Thursday, April 19, 2007

Age of the Six Keys of Marketing

Swimming around in my head has been the dawning of a new era (that is already upon us) in which consumers want to integrate the 6 keys of marketing to purchasing decisions. Below are the 6 keys of marketing and how companies in this new era must respond:

Choice – To provide options among quality products or services that best meets consumer’s wants or needs as they see their wants or needs to be. What choices do you provide? Having choices is not enough. They must be the right choices. (4Ps: Product/Price)

Creativity – To speak to consumers in a way that says, “You are unique and this product or service will compliment your uniqueness” or “You haven’t seen this before and it will enhance your life.” Consumers want to be dazzled. Is your creativity dazzling? (4Ps: Product/Promotion/Placement)

Contribution – To be socially responsible, and successfully market those efforts. Consumers want to give back through purchasing. They say, “I may indulge myself, but also, I’m giving back to those who have not.” Also, they care about how their purchasing decisions affect other issues. Is your company socially responsible … enough? And do I really have to say enough? Consumers are drawn to passions that lead to corporate responsibility. Is it time for a face-lift? (The Heart)

Customization – To create a perfect product or service for the customer. Customers say, “I want this and you better give it to me this way.” Are you ready to respond? How do you know your customers? (4Ps: Product/Price)

Socialization – To create products or services that “fit in.” Does your product or service match the culture? Will friends, peers, and/or colleagues of the consumer also want to purchase the product or service? Does it look, feel, and function like the targeted audience in their environment? (4Ps: Product/Promotion/Placement)

Validation – To assure consumers that they made the right decision. Ties in the other five keys and also includes product or service features such as price, quality, and design. Don’t forget communication! Companies must communicate to their consumers that they have made the best decision by providing superior customer service. (4Ps: Product/Price/Promotion/Placement)

Source: Media Post

Hidden within the six keys of marketing are the same old, same old 4Ps of marketing and rightfully so. Sometimes you throw out the old for the new, but you learn from the old and apply it to the new. So now, instead of marketers being concerned with the 4 Ps of marketing (Price, Product, Promotion, and Placement) alone, they should be primarily concerned with how the 4Ps of marketing integrate into the six keys of marketing. Companies can no longer be distant; like the new kid on the block, they need to have personalities and guts to integrate into the new neighborhood. We want to see our companies alive, making good decisions, and making conversation at our level (whatever level that might be). How will the majority of companies face this new dawning and will it make a difference?

Like everything else marketing is evolving and changing, but have you changed too? Ask yourselves the questions above, even if it seems silly. Have you identified areas that could use some revitalization or increased relevance in the changing market? Would you be drawn to your product or service and why? Are you able to communicate your passion to your target audience? The aura of the six keys of marketing revolves around the basic principles of listening and responding in order to discover the language of your target audience (Source: Web Development Community). Equipped with the same language, create marketing strategies that will best reflect those whom you serve, and have those reflections be consistent throughout all of your marketing methods.

Just last week, we were helping a client improve the creative aspect of his brochures to better link the marketing message between his brochures and his website. It’s what we are here for, to help you listen and respond with creativity. If you have any questions about how to begin the revitalization process, don’t hesitate to contact us at Ripley Designs, Inc. Our marketing expertise is waiting for you!

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